Saturday, April 30, 2005

Dear Diana

There is this agony aunt column in the Mid-Day newspaper titled "Dear Diana." If anyone ever needed a laugh, this would be a quick and sure solution. The posts are simply ludicrous. Here are a few:

Dear Diana,
I see this girl in my college every day. I smile at her and she smiles back. I think I have fallen in love with her. I want to tell her about my feelings but what if she says no? I really like her a lot and don't want to lose her. What should I do?

Dear Diana,
I love my husband very much but I am very possessive about him. My friends were telling me the other day about how my husband was wuite a flirt before marriage. Now I am all the more possessive and get increasingly angry when I see him even talking to any other woman.
I know I am wrong but I can't help myself. What should I do?

And now for the all-time classis. I remember this even though this was published almost a year back.

Dear Diana,
There is the girl whom I like and I had asked my friend to help me out with her. She obliged and this girl was even beginning to show interest in me. But then their group split up and I had to choose between my friend and this girl. I chose my friend because I knew her longer and now this girl does not even talk to me because of this. I really like her but I can't do anything about it. What should I do? I am in a mess.

Man , these guys must be desperate!! I dont know whether such columns are helpful to these love-struck souls but they sure are funny to read. I really envy this Diana female. What pay for what a job! I am pretty sure she must be rolling in laughter with some of these mails. I remember this Charlie Sheen- Denise Richards movie based on this theme. Thats an aside.

Anyways, I though I shall write a mail to Diana. Here goes:

Dear Diana,
I always read your columns, and I really like the way you handle all these mails. I know you might think this is weird, but I think I have fallen inlove with you. I must say you are very photogenic. This, I know is not a way to ask you out, but I have no other choice. The Mid-Day guys refused me your Indentity. I really do love you a lot. Please reply asap

Friday, April 29, 2005

The Parting

Am very low today. My good friend Vikas is moving out of my neighborhood tomorrow. We have been together since S.S.C and its 6 years now. Even as I write this I am choking over with emotion.

When Vikas moved in here 6 years back, I remember his mom telling me to befriend him as he would have no one. I gladly obliged. That gesture resulted in the blooming of quite a friendship. We almost got the same marks in S.S.C but because I had that few marks more I ended up in a different college. Nonetheless, we were together every evening. I vividly remember that I was the one who used to call him out initially and tehn later it was he who used to return the favor. I know this blog might sound like some sort of a narrative, but I can't help it. My very good friend is leaving my side.

The Parting Posted by Hello

Then came the disappointment of the H.S.C. It was like a double whammy for him. Poor guy, he had given his IIT JEE and had not cleared. In my book though,if there were two guys who deserved to clear, it was him and my friend Sanketh. Well, fate ordained that this result in us being together for four more years as sometime later we both would give an entrance test, bith would clear and end up together.

Yes, we are in the same college. But college life is different. We don't meet much ion college with our different schedules. I guess I used to take it for granted that anyways I shall meet him at home. That won't happen now. I really don't want to end up as being acquaintances only.

So today, as he leaves me for his new home, I wish him all the happiness.I don't know why I did not stand up and say good bye properly when he told me he was leaving. I guess I was so used to the normal "See you tomorrow" that I forgot. I shall always miss you and cherish all the memories...... especially those of playing carrom for hours on end. You are a very dear friend and shall always be.

All the best. See you in college soon. :(

Blogging away

So I have a blog. No one knew about it and even now hardly anyone does. Well Ranj, Anks , Sohel, Cutetwirler and Mandi do; but thats it.

Recently decided to start posting comments on other's blogs. Actually discovering them is the better part. Getting to know what kind of poeple they are, what interests them and what does not. Being an extrovert I cant help but doing this outside the cyberworld too. Thats just me. Discovering people gives me a big high. So much so that I learnt (and still very much learning) the art of Graphology- the science of Handwriting Analysis. It's quite a perfect science this and is not something like Palmistry, which in mind atleast, has no logocal explanation. Graphology, on the other hand, is quite in sync with psychology.

Sadly, have to run now. Will elaborate later.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Blogosphere

I have always known that I am a big showpot. And I am candid about it. Nonetheless, I am quite surprised at the company I keep in the cyberworld. This place is teeming with Sunil's, albeit many of them are just alter-egos.

It is quite amazing the transformation many people have whilst being online: they go from the quiet, corner-of-the-room-seated nerd to the loud dressed, tall, hunky, brash, with even a microphone-in-hand, attention seeking despot on the web. I personally know this guy who is an avid chatter on many of the chat rooms of major chat engines. One day as I sat with him I was quite amazed at the way people were queing up to have a word with him. Very strange, I must say. Considering, that hardly anyone spoeaks to him otherwise.

It probably is the freedom to be that someone else that you have always desired to be, yet cannot because of sheer society and peer pressure. In the cyberworld, there are no restrictions. No one knows who you are.

Be who you want, how you want and when you want. And you shall always find someone like you.


Television has ruined me. All I do is just slouch on the sofa and munch away at whatever I get while I watch T.V. This is of course, when I am not at my comp. I have swelled pleasantly, never mind what my mother thinks!

They say being on television, or rather , the camera adds up on 10 Pounds. I think, so does watching it. Besides, it does not help students at all. Though its a boon for my grandmother. She watches three movies a day!! And the worse part for me is, I despite staying there, cant even watch them, because they are all Malayalam movies; a language alien to me. So that drives me to my blog. And so, here I am typing away the melancholies of my life.

The handful (A gross Exaggeration tp say the least) of people who visit my blog, must have noticed I have installed Adsense. Never think I shall figure it out though. I get credited on those days where there are hardly any clicks on the page, and the days that I do, I have nothing.

Anyways, no complaints against Google. They say they owe me 6 Dollars or around Three hundred bucks. Not bad for a blog with hardly any vistors.

By the way Anks, listed on those sites. Hoping for the best.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Increasing Traffic and Birthday wishes

I am looking forward to improve traffic on my blog. Signed up with google. But I have heard that it shall take months for Google to take note. Nonetheless, I am eager and full of zest.

Thankfully, I always have my good friend Ankit to turn to for anything. By the way, today's his Birthday.

Happy birthday Ankit. Many happy returns of the day to you.

Studies and boredom

Its really amazing that the older one gets and the more a person has to study, the corresponding effort is that much lesser. The phenomenon is not just bound to any particular class of students. Take me for example. Actually, this would not be a great example, considering that I never do study. The enthusiasm, the zeal, that fire in the belly to get an outstanding result- all of which I did possess a few years back are all missing.

To drive home my point, I have an exam today. In my defense, I know the subject.

What is it that causes this decadence? I have no other word for it. Probably it stems from the monotonicity of studying fro so man years, and the mind needs a change. But that explanation on its own does not hold for much as no matter how long a vacation or a break one will get, the improvement will not be drastic. Another explanation could possibly be the sheer apathy towards life, atleast during this phase. There seems to be a sense of boredom in whatever there is in life. Yet other possible explanations could be the boring subjects that one has to endure, the sadistic teachers, peer pressure and even the pressure at home.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Not willing to take the risk of naming her, I would like to thank my friend who is the only person to routinely check my blog and post comments.

Thank you madam.


AtithiDevo- Bhava

There is this new channel on TV= "Travel and Living". Its a part of the discovery network. They have quite a few good programs.

I happened to catch a glimpse of an ad made by the ministry of tourism, I guess. An extremely well made one at that. It's high time that the Centre take a note of the Tourism Industry. I do not know what else Miss Renuka. Choudhary is doing other than switching parties to get ministerial posts, this ad of hers deserves kudos. The tourism industry in India is really struggling and proper initiatives have to be taken.

This brings forth a question, when we have more culture than say one state than possibly the whole of Malaysia, Singapore and many more countries, why are visitors not coming to our land? In Kerala, we indeed possess Gods Own Country. I had been there two years back and must admit, it made proud to have my roots there. Rolling hills with rivulets running through, endless fields that have only green tinted on them and not to forget, majestic coconut trees, swaying in the breeze. The architecture if Tamil Nadu, is indeed unparalleled. The north has the Taj Mahal and all the Moghul legacy. I do not want this to look like I am trying to write an essay of sorts, but it's akin to possess an antique car which is proivisonally worth a million, but sadly has no takers.

If only we cared about our land this would not be the story. The people are warm, the country beckons.

Our endearing quality of serving the guest like the Lord Himself ( WE took a little too far with the Pakistani Cricket Team though) or atithidevobhava is the last shot of the ad. The words, "Incredible India" to accompany.

I realized immediately those words was written not just on the screen.

Projects, Subjects and Murderers

Its really depressing to study, or rather try to study some of the subjects that we as engineers have to. For example, we have a subject known as software engineering. It deals with the approach to developing and maintaining an efficient software product.

To me, though it feels like just a subject filler. The university I feel just had nothing else to put into the curriculum. Worse still, I empathize with Mr. Pressman and co. because they happen to be possibly the most jobless individuals on this planet. All they seem to do is to concur up new, mindless theories that nobody shall use: ever. But, nonetheless they must be laughing all the way to the bank, considering the phenomenal sales of their books. They have suckers like us who are forced to buy their works. I write blogs for recreation, these guys write books.

Today’s paper has the story of a four year old that identified the murderer of her mother. As much as I admire the little child, I really feel sorry for it. Firstly, it will have to bear the pains of growing up without the support of a mother. A girl child, I opine, needs more from her mother than a boy. The mother can be her best friend- something the little terrier wont have. Secondly, I do not think she realizes the gravity of the situation. She possibly does not know what death is yet. When she does, she won’t sleep. The ghastly scene of the man murdering her mother will haunt her all her life. This angers me more. I mean, just for a few rupees, how can anybody kill a human being? Money is necessary for existence but I am sure there are other ways. I really wish that this man hung. Just for ruining the life of that poor four year old girl

But, on a more lighter note, I have to write an exam today. The subject –“Software Engineering.”! The exam will be best described by a quote made by sister’s professor, “Through the year we bore you with facts. When the exams come around, you entertain us with fiction.”