Friday, April 29, 2005

The Parting

Am very low today. My good friend Vikas is moving out of my neighborhood tomorrow. We have been together since S.S.C and its 6 years now. Even as I write this I am choking over with emotion.

When Vikas moved in here 6 years back, I remember his mom telling me to befriend him as he would have no one. I gladly obliged. That gesture resulted in the blooming of quite a friendship. We almost got the same marks in S.S.C but because I had that few marks more I ended up in a different college. Nonetheless, we were together every evening. I vividly remember that I was the one who used to call him out initially and tehn later it was he who used to return the favor. I know this blog might sound like some sort of a narrative, but I can't help it. My very good friend is leaving my side.

The Parting Posted by Hello

Then came the disappointment of the H.S.C. It was like a double whammy for him. Poor guy, he had given his IIT JEE and had not cleared. In my book though,if there were two guys who deserved to clear, it was him and my friend Sanketh. Well, fate ordained that this result in us being together for four more years as sometime later we both would give an entrance test, bith would clear and end up together.

Yes, we are in the same college. But college life is different. We don't meet much ion college with our different schedules. I guess I used to take it for granted that anyways I shall meet him at home. That won't happen now. I really don't want to end up as being acquaintances only.

So today, as he leaves me for his new home, I wish him all the happiness.I don't know why I did not stand up and say good bye properly when he told me he was leaving. I guess I was so used to the normal "See you tomorrow" that I forgot. I shall always miss you and cherish all the memories...... especially those of playing carrom for hours on end. You are a very dear friend and shall always be.

All the best. See you in college soon. :(


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