Friday, March 24, 2006


It would be time to say goodbye soon,
And Memories come in flying in fast,
We stare into the crystal ball,
Yet reflect longingly at our past.

Four years - a tryst with time,
Covetting a degree thats very much commonplace,
Making friends along the way,
Fighting the very same in the rat race.

Mob mentality sweeps us forward,
And earnestly we lunge ahead,
Staking many a claim for a job,
Recollecting how time has sped.

Motley, incongruous groups are many,
Shining stars are quite a few,
Downright wastes of talent exist,
And inconspicuous talents there are too.

I look back at the time gone by,
And recollect pleasurable moments again,
Wishing all remained forever,
Reality strikes- this is life, not a game.

I recollect memories
Of Goa trips, of broken panes,
Of heightened fees, of cricket teams,
Of cricket matches, of impassioned flames.

Regrets are none, but gloom abounds,
As the corporate world does me beckon,
Akin to the flint lying in the mud,
The world shall me reckon.

Enough I cry,
End this melancholy rhyme,
Sing the tune of CapGemini,
Thats where I will join in time.

Like dried leaves we shall soon dissipate,
Breaking the bonds of the trees,
Four years later all we shall have,
Are these memories and possibly paid back fees.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Soliloquy

The door swings open and lets me in,
Am struck stark by the silence’s din.

I stare into unbecoming space,
My tired mind once again begins to race,

There is emptiness in heart and mind,
Yet mystically, thoughts have me in a bind.

Company is undoubtedly what I seek,
Yet the curse is that only silence shall speak.

The silence cries to me aloud,
And then I am warped in an emotive shroud.

Music shall be no balm,
Only a mortal beside shall restore calm.

These shackles of mind I swear to break,
And friendship’s leaves I promise to rake.

I think of this and a beacon shines through,
The silence seems to magically disappear too.

I am back to my jovial self again,
And promise to remain forever sane.

This poem is dedicated to Neeraj. Empathy, my dear friend, comes easily to me. :P