Friday, May 06, 2005

Of Iraq, Bush and Freedom.

I had come across a blog which says that the attack on Iraq was almost justified, if not so. The people there are suffering under the hands of a tyrranical ruler and a lot of other things to the like.

Sir, I am sure you would be visiting my blog, so I am going to address you directly. Why did Dubya choose to attack only Iraq. And he had the able support of another spineless moron in the name of Tony Blair. Good grief! he has won another election. Zimbabwe is reeling under tyrrany in the form of Robert Mugabe. That country too is poor. Mr. Blair has openly denounced the rule of Mugabe. So much so that the British Parliament even wanted sporting links to be severed off between the two countries. Nonetheless, we are talking of America. You say that they are harboring weapons of mass destruction. People are free to have opinioins and even say them aloud. But, unless and until you are attacked by them there is no way you could have ascertained your cliam.

Sure, you could refute this by saying that the action was possibly done in defence. In any case, no one found even a trace of nuclear weapons in Iraq. Who authorized Bush to attack Iraq and search for weapons? When the U.N team went to Iraq they were free to carry out the search and they too had not found anything. Despite this, Bush attacked.

I am not a man of peace who believes in Ahimsa-non violence (Gandhiji's philosophy). I too believe in an eye for an eye. I think Bush was justified in attacking Afghanistan to remove the Taliban because he believed and knew that Osama lay hidden there. That he was not found is another matter altogether. That he shall never ever be found is yet another matter.

So, if attacking Iraq is justified, then what next? Iran, because it stands for yet another country of the Arab community? Why not Saudi Arabia? Why not Palestine?? Anyways Israel is fighting another similar war. Why not Zimbabwe??? And why is he still positioned troops there? If he wanted only to rid them of the ruled the objective is attained. What is that he needs to now?

The answer is evident to me. He needs oil. And more importantly, he needed something to garner public support back home, so that he could win another election. Plain and simple.

Imagine that you had a really bad father, who beat you up everyday; abused you and tour mother, cheated on her, came home drunk and was the very symbol of bad humanity. Despite this would you like someone to come into your house and try to sort it out?? The answer, at least in my case, is and emphatic and loud NO.

America might be under attack by the other things that you had said. But by Iraq sir, NO.


Blogger ミス・イギリス said...

The thing is- everyone was so very angry when Bush was re-elected, and the same thing happened here!!! hypocrites!

Fri May 06, 03:20:00 PM  
Blogger nixonreed said...

I cannot justifying any attack of a country due to a race question. I am not a big lover of George W. Bush and I disagree with him on many things. I do believe in honesty that Saddam in power of any country is questionable. I see no reason to attack Iran or any other country besides the already attacked Afghanastan. Saddam though is an evil son of a bitch and needed to be taken out of power. I do think that Bush mislead with his statements on why we attacked. I think he wanted oil but cannot call him a liar without every single fact in front of me. As a human being I was scared of the possibilities of what Saddam could do to us. I wish there was a peaceful answer to every question. I am a Christian who doesn't attend Church and i'd hate to see violence used to answer any question, but I would be a fool not to see that people will us it as that. And let me say this Saddam did not plan 9-11. People use that as an excuse to say the attack was good. I believe Saddam needed to be taken out of power. i am so happy he wasn't killed so he could stand trial. I wish his sons were'nt murdered so they too could stand trial. If there was even the smallest possibilty of him possesing WMD's I didn't want his threat. Most of all I am glad we went there for one reason, Saddam made his people suffer and now he can no longer due that. You are a highly intelligent man and meant no offense by my article. I may not posses all the facts please if you have information I don't feel free to comment on my post. I would love to open a dialogue that would help everyone understand there cultures and reasons better. I appreciate your comments and this post. It shows you are a man who says what he believes, and I beleive with more dialogue war will only be something we read in history books. I appreciate the space to write this. Thank you.

Fri May 06, 05:08:00 PM  
Blogger nixonreed said...

I worded a sentence wrong and I would love for you to pst any information you have on my comments. I apologize for the quick writing, I'm leaving work and hurrying.

Fri May 06, 05:10:00 PM  

Ah, but if we didn't have wars then we would over-populate and many would die of starvation or have to be "fixed" so that they couldn't have children. War is in our blood, it is how we keep our world balanced. We very rarly need an excuse to go to war as Bush has demonstrated. We will always be at each others throats for the simple fact that it is natural for us to do so.

Fri May 06, 07:38:00 PM  
Blogger James Shott said...

The UN passed numerous resolutions condemning Saddam Hussein for his apparent efforts to hide WMD, the same weapons he had used against his own people. The UN resolutions set the stage for the US action in Iraq.

Saddam Hussein has a well-publicized record of support, both direct and indirect, of terrorist and terrisim.

Nearly every world leader, and the UN itself thought Saddam Hussein had WMD.

Oil has little to do with the war.

In hindsight, Saddam Hussein's weapons program has not been proved to exist. Many think, but have not proved, that he had the weapons, but moved them to Pakistan and Syria.

In any event, railing against George Bush is futile. He was re-elected, by a sound margin. So was Tony Blair. They must be doing something right, and the opposition to the war must not be substantial enough to have gotten them defeated in their respective election.


Fri May 06, 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because WMD's were not found, does not mean they never existed. Saddam had time to destroy or relocate them before 'we' got there.
I'm not a fan of war either, but the entire Bush Administration was under attack after 911 because it looked as if they should have been aware the attacks were coming, and didn't take action to stop them. That's ludicrous because there is NO way anyone could have known the exact 'where, when & how'! YET, when Bush DOES take action to prevent an almost certain future attack by Saddam, he is again condemned! No matter what he does, you Democrats will find fault. Do you think you could satisfy everyone if you were in charge? I'm glad Bush didn't wait until after Saddam attacked us to take action. Alot of us & you, probably wouldn't even be here to complain if he hadn't.

Fri May 06, 10:01:00 PM  
Blogger Nightcrawler said...

Look, I'm tired of refighting the same old battles. "Why did Bush attack Iraq?" It needed to be done. The bastard maimed and killed far more of his people than have US forces, and the majority of the women and children tortured, raped, and executed by Saddam did nothing to him.

Either you support the war, or you don't. Nothing that I say, nothing that I can link to, no picture that I post will ever change that. I've spent the last 2 years or so fighting this fight, and I'm ready to move on. It's been done, and now me must proceed with how to resolve the situation that we find ourselves in, and who we are going to go kill next. There are a good number of candidates, maybe we should use the dartboard method of picking one?

Sun May 08, 11:52:00 AM  
Blogger Balakumar said...

This was not about Saddam or any threat he posed. This was just another excuse to set foot in the Middle East. Look back to history folks.

I wont be surprised if Bush is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in the near future... A shame indeed!

Fri May 13, 04:36:00 AM  

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