694224000 seconds and counting!
Well, those are the number of seconds that I shall have lived through at 10:44 am this morning. Its an amazing feeling that I have lived so long. It really is.
The day began well for me this year. I got the maximum number of calls that I have ever received in my life. And it felt really special to know that you have touched so many lives. It really did. It felt good to chat up in the dead silence of the night, walking on the balcony with a lovely cool breeze in my face, watching the street dogs fight amongst themselves, and switching in between so many calls.
After the calls were done, and my sleep truly vaporized, I sat down in the balcony to spend a little time with myself. With the hectic schedule of engineering, I really wanted this. The silence was almost eerie at times, but it was that silence that made me realize, that I am now truly on the path of adulthood. It is a surreal feeling, totally. So often we adoloscents discuss maturity as if it flows freely amongst us, without realizing that actually have a very long way to go.
The past year has been interesting to say the least. I have been through troughs that were indeed very deep, and have ridden crests that are quite unsurmountable as well. Thanks all you people, who were in the good and the bad times.
I also spent my time recollecting memories, both good, and bad. Thankfully, I have a very bad memory when it comes to pain, and so most of them were joyous ones. It made me realize, again, that I am 22! It was unnerving a tad, but then realized, that in reality, it is just a number. Its what you do with it that counts. I have realized that life is really a complex puzzle that we all set out to crack, but sadly some of us are satified with intermediate results. Yesterday night I have resolved that I shall not quit.
So heres to engineering, and a minimum of 694224000 seconds more. Cheers!
The day began well for me this year. I got the maximum number of calls that I have ever received in my life. And it felt really special to know that you have touched so many lives. It really did. It felt good to chat up in the dead silence of the night, walking on the balcony with a lovely cool breeze in my face, watching the street dogs fight amongst themselves, and switching in between so many calls.
After the calls were done, and my sleep truly vaporized, I sat down in the balcony to spend a little time with myself. With the hectic schedule of engineering, I really wanted this. The silence was almost eerie at times, but it was that silence that made me realize, that I am now truly on the path of adulthood. It is a surreal feeling, totally. So often we adoloscents discuss maturity as if it flows freely amongst us, without realizing that actually have a very long way to go.
The past year has been interesting to say the least. I have been through troughs that were indeed very deep, and have ridden crests that are quite unsurmountable as well. Thanks all you people, who were in the good and the bad times.
I also spent my time recollecting memories, both good, and bad. Thankfully, I have a very bad memory when it comes to pain, and so most of them were joyous ones. It made me realize, again, that I am 22! It was unnerving a tad, but then realized, that in reality, it is just a number. Its what you do with it that counts. I have realized that life is really a complex puzzle that we all set out to crack, but sadly some of us are satified with intermediate results. Yesterday night I have resolved that I shall not quit.
So heres to engineering, and a minimum of 694224000 seconds more. Cheers!
wid ur temperament, u'll liv longer thn tht...
ppl pleasers usually do...:P
Thanks buddy.
By the way, me a people pleaser? Never got that impression from people :P
abey saale.It felt good to watch the street dogs fighting amongst themselves!!!!Kuch toh standard rakh
ur b'day doesnt give the liberty to watch the poor souls.. the maratha hounds... fight and make up.... the need to given their momnt of shine under the moon........ maneka gandhi is watching.. yeead rak,,
and i tota;lly agree with patty....
saale kuch tho starndard rak!!!1
an happy realisation that life is complex.....
its the way u view it......
happ birthday.....
It felt good becuase it reminded me about ourselves. Fightin amongst ourselves! All a part of the process of reflection!
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