Friday, February 17, 2006

Jo jeeta wohi Sikander

I watched “Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikander” for the nth time today. It’s one of those movies that you can never actually tire of watching. The movie is special for so many reasons, Aamir Khan not being the least of them. Not only is it wholesome family fare, but also the plot is pretty good, considering the time when it was made.

I really feel there are many scenes that capture the true human spirit, and they are truly spread out right across the movie. I admire the way the director has displayed joy, sorrow, brotherly love, hatred, affection, love, friendship…

Some stellar moments:

1: the scene when Aamir confronts his brother as to why he didn’t reveal who had attacked him. Aamir’s expression is right to the point.

2: The face that Ayesha Jhulka displays when he reveals his love for her. You have affection, love, respect all clubbed into one. Kudos to the director too for not streatching the scene too long or worse still, breaking into a jig.

3: Ayesha Jhulka right through the movie as a doting friend. I think she was grossly underused in this movie.

4: Deepak Tijori as the baddie. Fits the bill to a tad. The way he moves from sportsman to villain in the movie is really good.

5: And finally the best. The jubilation on Kulbushan Kharbanda’s face at the end of the cycle race. Plain magic I tell you. An unbelievable actor at his very best. You can clearly see unadulterated joy on his face, and knowing that what he is doing is acting, takes your breath away.

The direction is brilliant. No drawn out scenes, not too mushy, no unmentionables. A very good plot too. Perfect recipe for a good movie.


Blogger Vivek said...

I couldn't have paid homage to one of the most beautiful and most heart-felt features I have ever seen.
Kudos on a job well done.

Sat Feb 18, 10:20:00 AM  
Blogger Neeraj said...

tring..havent seen anything new for sometime now..

Sat Mar 04, 11:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sunil....i hv always beleived.. jo jeeta wohi sikander....
rest are mere mortals...
and btw... winning is not evrything..its the only thing.....
u sure can gues wht m i aiming at???

--the devil

Fri Apr 14, 01:55:00 PM  

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