Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A sad day in Indian Politics

Yesterday, our Finance Minister, Mr P.Chidambaram, came out in defence of the reservation policy. It clearly outlines the beginning of the end for meritocracy in today's India. It is sad that a politician of his stature has to stoop down to mass based politics, to pander to the needs of his party.

Sure he said that seats must be increased in all the premiere institutions across the land, so as to not disadvatage the reservationless majority. But it is startling that a man such as him would make statements like, "Reservations would not dilute the quality of the institution". Its ironic that a man who would hail from iconic palaces of education should make such comments.

PC is definitely one of the most loved Finance Ministers that the country has ever seen. Well, he lost one of his admirers yesterday to disillusionment.

Here are some alternate perspectives
Mr Narendra Jadhav
Mr Sudhir Badani


Blogger Ankit said...

What's with the redundant colons?

Tue May 02, 11:35:00 AM  
Blogger Sunil Natraj said...

Sorry :-S

Tue May 02, 12:10:00 PM  
Blogger Vivek said...

Having read Mr. Jadhav's interview, one comes to the conclusion that while the system itself isn't bad, what needs to be looked at is the manner of implementation, a point I think which has been raised many times by many people. Rather than making comments that merit is affected by reservations, wherein we by default make the presumption that the communities benefiting from reservations are incompetent, we have to comprehend that these communities have suffered and continue to suffer, despite our best efforts, the worst kinds of discriminations, treatment which serves as an impediment to their progress. Reservations are not so much an indication of the 'inferiority' of the recipients, as of the desperation of the State to send out a message that it is doing something to ensure justice in society, and to be seen to be doing so.
While I am not in agreement with the current system of reservation which simply awards numeric quotas to communities, if the likes of Mr. Chidambaram, whose wisdom I hold in high esteem, can suggest more practical and pragmatic solutions, I am all for it. The onus is on Mr. Chidambaram and his colleagues to prove that reservations will not dilute the quality of the institution. If the political class can ensure this, I do not foresee any problems for achieving total social justice, as is the 'supposed' objective of these reservations.

Tue May 02, 05:20:00 PM  
Blogger Rachna said...

"Prejudices are there. They are difficult to erase. These are otherwise very capable people. But whether we hire someone or not should not depend on whether they are Dalit or Muslim or not. Whether they are fit for the job must be the factor. It is to guard again those possibilities that you need reservations."
That is from Mr. Jadhav's interview, regarding job reservation in the private sector.
One thing that has been troubling me ever since this debate began is the implicit assumption that those who make decisions (employers or admission committee members) are all castetist.
Companies want to make money, IIMs want to take in only the best, why on earth would they deny a qualified Dalit/OBC the job/seat?

Tue May 02, 06:21:00 PM  
Blogger Sunil Natraj said...

Sorry Rach,
Thats just not a valid argument. A qualified underpriveleged (to be politically correct) is and shd be given equal status.
I think the debate is more on the lines of attaining that qualified underpriveleged, not weilding him.

Tue May 02, 06:59:00 PM  
Blogger Rachna said...

and which part of my argument said that they shouldn't (be given equal status)??
Read carefully sunil...im not going to defend comments that are misunderstood in the first place.
I'm all for equal rights for everybody under the sun...

Tue May 02, 11:01:00 PM  
Blogger Sunil Natraj said...

I think we are both misunderstanding each other. We are on the same side as regards to our stance, just expressing it differently.

Wed May 03, 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with mr jadav's comment. these poiticians for their secured political career they are doing such things .there is no need for any reservation in
the in field of education and jobs in todays world.today in state run
profession colleges in many reservations are in effect. it is affecting many meritorios student.many resevered catagory students though their entance exam marks are comparitively less than a meritorious unreserved catagory student ,they get admitted to a
good college.i here by like to put a question that are not many mertorious student of unreserved catagory dont get proper facility for education due economical condition.so reservation should be on the econmical field not based on community.

Wed May 03, 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

today hes loosin one more admirer

Wed May 03, 01:45:00 PM  
Blogger humbl devil said...

many many happy returns of the day...
n for a light-hearted message, check your mail...hehe...

Thu May 04, 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey for once... vivek made sense.. instead of his rambling and loud mouthed shit which is soo often expected of him.....as if the worlds just waiting to hear his reveiws and opinions.... hhaha.... too much naa....
and by the way.. intresting choice for the fm.... mayabe pc was pressuirised in saing soo...... he himself is uppercaste u knw......
wudnt dare say a thing abt his caste u knww

--the devil

Thu May 04, 02:18:00 AM  

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