Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Congrats Mr. Baradei; Smell the coffee Mr. Singh

Hail El Baradei! It's a stupendous achievement on his part to have won the Nobel Peace Prize. The IAEA gets caned for every possible nuclear transgression by any state, which in my opinion is highly unfair, considering many of them are not even bound by the NPT.

I think we Indians have committed harakiri by taking a real stupid stance at the UN conclave. Why do we have to suck up to the states is something I just understand. I do understand American friendship is something that every country besides Russia and China ( even them possibly) would enjoy, but definitely not at the cost of the country itself. Where we seem to have lost the plot is where we have failed to recognize how deeply influenced our economy is by oil. Mr. Mani Shankar Aiyar, along with with our PM has not realized how thirsty our land is. Our economic growth graph is headed northwards primarily because of the development in all fields, which stems from the oil supply being there. With crude touching $70 a barrel any source of oil or gas, as in the case with Iran is something we can't pass up.

So why must we support the US? Sure, Indo US relations are at all time high, and our vote against could have put a spanner in the works, but that is not everything. What is the US really giving us? They might lobby for a seat at the UNSC, great. Even overlooking the fact that they are not doing anything of that sort right now, what we really need right now is still oil. If we were to jeopardize this we would lose definitely a lot more than we would gain, even if we were to get a seat into the UNSC.

As for Mr. Baradei, congrats. Despite, the heavy criticism he has come under, he has managed to stand tall. His doctrine of overall disarmament is definitely the path to walk on; not the one where a country like Iran is prevented from acquiring weapons while others openly mint them as if they were coins.


Blogger Doug The Una said...

Congrats, Sunil on getting back up. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't just trust George W to lead them, but, hey, India's a sovereign state.

I would point out, though, that oil is fungible. As long as Iran sells oil to someone it shouldn't affect the price in India.

Tue Oct 11, 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think voting for the resolution at the UN conclave was a very very positive move. we are not sucking up to anybody, it is precisely for national interests that we voted for. Iran needs the money just as much we need oil. Cold economic sense dictates that the pipeline will go on. Its anyway four to five years down the line. On a long term basis, we need nuclear power too. Plus, you shld know that like US, Iran is not a big fan of us getting into the Security council either.


Wed Oct 12, 06:50:00 PM  
Blogger Sunil Natraj said...

the security council is something that does not help us as much as gas. They are a spineless body. Besides, even if we did get into the Security council, its without veto, as agreed. So thats as useful a guitar without strings.

Wed Oct 12, 07:35:00 PM  
Blogger humbl devil said...

i second ranjani on that...
moreover india has to avoid the 'spanners' coming its way for the nuclear pact to work, that we just signed with the u.s.

Thu Oct 13, 10:16:00 PM  
Blogger Sunil Natraj said...

Hey humbl,

The fact of the matter is that our presence in the UNSC is redundant without the veto, which we wont get anyway? Then why lobby so hard? I realize too that long term goals are important, but gas aint getting much cheaper.

Fri Oct 14, 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

typed out a longish comment which got wiped out.

anyway the gist was. Iran supports us on no issue. Not on the JK-PAK trouble, not on Security Council permanent seat, not on CTBT or NPT( In fact it want us to sign these treaties irrespective of our sensitivities.
) The reason, it says is because of Israel.

PLus, everyone knows abt the AQKhan-PAk-Nuclear pilferage-Iran deal and by supporting Iran at IAEA we run the risk of endorsing Pak supplies to Iran and other nations.

Fri Oct 14, 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If ppl want to abstain the IAEA vote because of the NAM; then I must say I find it infernally ridiculous.
NAM is history. at that time, it made sense to remain non-aligned. Now we need to flex our mucsles.

Best would be to come up with something like what China did with North Korea-six nation treaty. Now, THAT would be real diplomacy.

PLus, I find it totally OK to back the US, if they are willing to back on on some nuclear- power-energy deals. There are no free lunches, you see.

Fri Oct 14, 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

darn, I coulda made a post outa that.

Fri Oct 14, 06:13:00 PM  
Blogger humbl devil said...

ha ha...
that was for ranj

by the way,
the u.s. wants india's support on any matter just to counter china...
there's nothing more to it...
they are on common ground only on the matter of india's permanent membership...
and i don't know why india is losing its self respect over this unsc thing...
it was us who refused the seat in the first place, when it was offered to us in days after independence...
and then the western nations had to accept china...
and i think mani shankar aiyar is definitely burning his midnight oil, considering his numerous visits to oil rich countries...
ioc has aquired many sites, recently...

Fri Oct 14, 09:19:00 PM  
Blogger Sunil Natraj said...

Ranj is firmly grounded on this one, aint she? Nice to have a nice strong opinion, from the one who is as unassuming as ever.

Yeah, you could have made a post of it. See, the fact remains, how can we bar a country from acquiring weapons, when we ourselves are openly proliferating. Thats totally unfair. What Baradei says is atleast palatable in the sense that he is asking for universal disarmament. Thats ok with me, and should be ok with the world.

The US is saying that Iran should not possess them citing it being passed on to other unreliable and unwanted groups. But the fact remains, that that could happen even without Iran. And one more thing, Iran needs them. With a country like Israel bordering it (which has the support of the US), they need them.

I again stress that all nations say deterence is the root cause of proliferation. When that is the case, no one should be debarred.

As regards to free luches, or any meal with the US, its dining with the devil. I am not anti-US. Its just that I am not a fan of the current President.
As Humbl says, the US is merely using us as a prop. Our diplomataic relations are skewed in all the wrong directions. And as far as aid goesn on any front might I add, from the US or any other, we only have pacts.

Shit, this is a comment almost as long as Reddys and bigger than my post.

P.S: Looking forward to more discussions such as these. Humbl, Ranj, write something thats debatable. And Humbl, who the hell are you?..;)And last but not the least, why dont Ranj and myself speak so much in coll?

Sat Oct 15, 05:36:00 AM  
Blogger humbl devil said...

he he...
welcome to the sherluck golmz society of sies...

by the way, me thinks, the link should have read sohell

for clues keep a note of the songs that i listen to...

well, dwelling on current affairs is not my forte...

but will keep in mind your suggestion...
might come handy when i have nothing to write about...
but until and unless i have a song for every situation, i think i will never run out of material...

Sat Oct 15, 07:45:00 PM  

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