Thursday, May 19, 2005

I passed!!!

Every time the HSC and SSC results come around the newspapers are filled with articles as to how girls have fared better than boys. I find the whole issue blown out of proportion, primarily because these examinations are no measure at all of either the capabilities of the student or of the education system.

These articles, I feel, are extremely sexist and have no place in the newspaper. I am not saying this because I am a guy. If that was the case I would be heralding the boys topping the respective categories. Kudos to the toppers; nothing for the genders.

The ICSE results declared yesterday states that the girls outdid the boys.


It says the girls romped home and the boys were a distant second. The results are 95.2 % pass for girls and around a 93% for the boys. The difference: 1.5%. I guess a 93.5% pass in a country that's wife with illiteracy in inadequate.

Some more reasons why I do not support this rant:

1: The mental make up of both boys and girls are different. I personally opine the curriculum is something that girls would prefer to boys. This is atleast with the state board.

2: When it comes to the poorer sections of the society, the girls who get the backing of their parents, invariably have only to study. The boys on the other hand are even to work and then attend night school. So the study conditions are different. Also, considering that a major portion of the failures stem from this section of society, the point is noteworthy.

3: Why stop only at the H.S.C and the S.S.C results? Why not look at the results of all the graduating students? I can safely say that here is where the competition would even out as the curriculum for the course is something the candidate has voluntarily chosen and is not a path to further studies.

So please journalists, cut out this sexist crap. We have many more news items that could be published.


Blogger Doug The Una said...


Thu May 19, 09:15:00 AM  
Blogger Ankit said...

Hey, stop reading newspapers already.

Thu May 19, 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, u claim to not be a sexist but wrie an entire article that oozes it.i think u got ur balls highly mixed up.also ur profile states ur from mumbai,india and even then u make the most preposterous statement that girls belonging to the poorer sections of ur society have the backing of their parents and the is the icing on the cake-they hv nothing to do but study?i guess it is this attitude amongst a certain segment of the population that's led to the pitiful sate of our country.
next time u claim to write a non-sexist article atleast get ur facts clear before shooting from the hip.

Thu May 19, 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

er..."girls do nothing but study" Who do you think does the house work...parents don't send girls outside to work to spare them 'sexist' elements...

hows studies going , btw???

Thu May 19, 03:54:00 PM  
Blogger Sunil Natraj said...

Miss Malaika,
I am wrong about the "nothing else part". That to me also was sexist. Sorry.
But what about the rest? What about these results are so meaningful that is should appear on the first page? If the girl happens to top great.. no issues. But is the gender really that important? To illustrate, the boys have topped most of the sections... should we croon about that too? IS IT IMPORTANT? NO.

I have nothing against women anywhere. It;s just that why is it so important to herald things which are not important? As an editor of any daily do you think such facts are mandatory? Heck no.

Also please read carefully. I said those from the poorer sections and not all of them. This too, I concede ,jumps the gun a bit.

I greatly believe in education of women and bear no reflection on their studies.

And to the fact that people like me are responsible for the pitiful state of my land, if this is what contributes, I don't mind it one bit. But I think its feminists who regale in petty victories(rather news) such as these are losers.

P.S: Ranj house

Thu May 19, 08:00:00 PM  
Blogger ミス・イギリス said...

hey congrats.
don't worry bout the gender thing, it's made like that so boring people have something to do all day!
have done new blog skin- JUST FOR YOU!!!

Fri May 20, 01:48:00 AM  
Blogger nixonreed said...

Yes but what about the hemaphrodites. Were are they your paper doesn't even mention them. If we based our lives on tests that we were forced to take as kids we would be a terrible world. What makes people great is how they handle the real world. Tests mean nothing its that real world that will crush you. Most kids who take tests just try to get through them as fast as possible and thats it. Tests are dick.

Fri May 20, 05:44:00 AM  
Blogger Ankit said...

What nixonreed said.

Plus I know tests are meaningless Sunil, just look at the marks I get!

Fri May 20, 11:04:00 AM  

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