Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Indian Politics

M. Karunanidhi on the stay imposed by the two Judge bench of the Supreme Court:
"Two or three people determining the future of 100 crore people will damage democracy"

Enough said.

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Blogger Vivek said...

That 552 fools can do the same doesn't seem to Mr. Karunanidhi a danger to democracy. That he can with impunity determine and decide what is best for the people, without ever bothering to converse with them is in his mind the way India's democracy should work. He forgets that India's liberalization process was spear-headed not by Parliament, but by the will of 2 men - P.V. Narasimha Rao and Dr. Manmohan Singh.

The judiciary hasn't questioned the rationale of reservations for the OBCs. It has questioned the need to include individuals who clearly do not need the assistance that reservations entail. Unlike the SCs/STs, where there exists a systemic bias against them, the OBCs are still relatively better off. That the Government is so adamant on the creamy layer issue shows that there is some funny business in the shadows.
There needs to be careful thought before we dismiss the very idea of reservation, or this criticism of the current model.

While the legislature represents the people in a more direct sense of the word, the judiciary is also a representative arm of the State, fulfilling the duty of meeting the needs and aspirations of the people for justice, for the rule of law. While I wouldn't say that the judiciary is always right, the legislature isn't infallible either.

Wed Apr 25, 12:26:00 PM  
Blogger Maha said...

thanks for the comment... u left on my blog.. did u like it ? and how did u get to know abt it ?

Fri May 11, 12:37:00 AM  
Blogger A Bizzare Mindd said...

u see if closely thought...its applicable even to him..isn't he along with a handful vote-bank centered politicians like arjun singh doing the same thing..aren't they deciding the future of the youth of the country..if that was fair and justified,then i guess a decision by india's elite and esteemed judiciary is surely justified...god put some brains in their otherwise blocked heads..

Fri May 11, 01:55:00 PM  
Blogger The Devil's Paradise....... said...

tring*,..... tring*.... new post!

Sat May 12, 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does 'IIM' (as a tag), related to this post???

Sat Jun 02, 07:22:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

What the 'wise' and not-so-kind Karunanidhi has not said is the damage that will happen when 90% of the population accuse the remaining 10% of being 'upper castes' and then go about institutionalising ways and means to suppress them. The sheer hypocrisy and naked opportunism in Tamilnadu's reservation policy is disgusting, to say the least. And all this in the name of the holy cow of 'social justice'. The TN govt. needs to be reported to the UN for state-sponsored discrimination against caste minorities (read the Brahmins..).

Thu Sep 20, 01:28:00 AM  

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